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FAQ ICAEW Dual Membership Scheme


The key benefits include that the students are getting an unique opportunity to gain local recognition to work as an accountant in Sri Lanka from CA Sri Lanka and international recognition from ICAEW if they are looking to gain experience from overseas or migrate. ICAEW has offices around the world and a networks of members across 148 countries. ICAEW members will also have access to faculties offering up to date advice and helping their professional development in 11 specified areas, practical and skills focused qualifications, which are in demand with employers, opens up doors to organisations of all sectors and sizes and high earning potential.

You need to inform CA Sri Lanka via email ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) to register with ICAEW. You will be registered with ICAEW as Training Agreement students and will obtain access to the ICAEW Online Training File.

The ICAEW registration fee will be waived off for students who register with ICAEW through the dual membership scheme with CA Sri Lanka.

CA Sri Lanka students are required to complete Business Level I, Business Level II, Corporate Level and SL2 - Corporate Finance & Risk Management and SL3 - Corporate Taxation modules in the Strategic Level as per the curriculum 2020.

Students are required to sit and pass all the ACA Advanced Level exams: currently, Corporate Reporting, Strategic Business Management and Case Study in the ICAEW syllabus.

Yes, students are allowed to follow both exams simultaneously subject to fulfilling the requirements before proceeding to the Case Study exam.

Students are required to be in the final year of their Practical Work Experience at CA Sri Lanka and have attempted or received exemptions/credit for all other ACA modules before being eligible to sit for the Case Study exam of ICAEW.

You can purchase your study materials through the following website:  Currently the cost is £90 per subject (plus postage and packing). This price is subject to change by ICAEW.

Study materials for Advanced Level needs to be purchased directly from ICAEW.

It is not mandatory. However, it is strongly recommended that students purchase the study materials as ICAEW is a rigorous qualification and the students will have the best chance to pass the exams, if the students are using the ICAEW recommended study materials, learning resources and tuition providers. The learning materials are reviewed each year and are approved by ICAEW examiners. Therefore, they are the most reliable sources of exam preparation.

It is recommended to sign up for lectures/learning support right away. If you feel confident enough to get through the study materials and prepare for the exam in a shorter period, then you are welcome to. The exam calendar is published in the ICAEW official website. Exam dates are subject to change by ICAEW.

Arrangements would be made for students in certain situations (such as Coronavirus affecting the exam sittings). However, students cannot withdraw in normal situations.

ICAEW Advanced level exams are conducted in July and November every year. Please contact CA Sri Lanka Education Division on 011 235 2000 Ext: 1419 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for more information

Students are required to pay £192 each for Corporate Reporting and Strategic Management exams and £96 for Case Study exam to ICAEW. Please note that the fee is subject to change as and when deemed necessary by ICAEW.

Yes, you are required to follow the ICAEW Online Ethics Learning programme.

All ICAEW exams are computer based and would be held at as remote invigilation or center based.

ICAEW will provide these to CA Sri Lanka to confirm the completion of the programme and in compliance with the GDPR legislation.

You are required to pay a joint annual membership fee of GBP200 for membership of CA Sri Lanka and ICAEW. If your membership with CA Sri Lanka is lapsed, in such situation you are required to pay the full membership fee for both bodies.

Application for CA Sri Lanka Students 2024

Understand the ICAEW training file

How to book an ICAEW exam

How to apply for Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)