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The latest news from the Joomla! Team

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1081 Amba – CA Sri Lanka Valuation Boot Camp educates capital market professionals on global valuation techniques
1082 CA Sri Lanka and IFRS Foundation in jointly conduct workshop on IFRS for teachers
1083 CA Sri Lanka and ADB in joint effort to intensify IFRS awareness among SMEs
1084 CA Sri Lanka workshop focuses on how to combat fraud
1085 First ever overseas exam of CA Sri Lanka concludes successfully
1086 Expolanka Holdings and Ceylon Paper Sacks comes onboard as CA Sri Lanka training partners
1087 CA Sri Lanka inaugurates first batch of its inaugural degree programme in Applied Accounting
1088 CT Holdings power CA Sri Lanka with a lead sponsorship for 2013
1089 Sri Lanka Insurance comes onboard as a Lead Sponsor for CA Sri Lanka
1090 How to be better a corporate: The numerous benefits of integrated reporting highlighted at CA Sri Lanka forum
1091 Agstar Fertilizers PLC and Blue Ocean Holding comes onboard as CA Sri Lanka training partners
1092 CA Sri Lanka and AMBA to conduct valuation boot camp for capital market professionals
1093 CA Sri Lanka’s IT GRC seminar series concludes on a high note
1094 Cargills (Ceylon) comes onboard as lead sponsor for CA Sri Lanka
1095 CA Sri Lanka educates preparers on new accounting standards
1096 CA Sri Lanka workshop to focus on Risk Management
1097 CA Sri Lanka educates finance leaders on implications of recently issued exposure drafts
1098 Intake now on for one of Australia’s top MBAs offered through CA Sri Lanka
1099 CA Sri Lanka and GIZ conducts first ever joint seminar on SLFRS for SMEs
1100 IFRS impact on financial entities highlighted at CA Sri Lanka workshop