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The latest news from the Joomla! Team

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# Article Title Author Hits
1201 SLT extends support to CA Sri Lanka as Lead Sponsor suraj 58780
1202 Fast track your way to a top Australian MBA with CA Sri Lanka’s Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Finance suraj 59831
1203 CA Members Benevolent Society organises presentation on how to prevent Non-Communicable diseases suraj 58723
1204 The 48th Annual Report Awards gets off the ground suraj 57730
1205 CA Sri Lanka and FinArch boosts IFRS implementation for banks and financial institutions suraj 59341
1206 Sinhala press statement on CA Sri Lanka initiatives for public sector accountants, auditors & assessors suraj 60998
1207 HNB powers CA Sri Lanka with lead sponsorship suraj 58354
1208 CA Sri Lanka’s Vindya Cooray brings honour to Sri Lanka suraj 59730
1209 Association of Public Finance Accountants of Sri Lanka (APFASL) has emerged as a Public Sector Wing of CA Sri Lanka to enhance professional skills and expertise of public sector accountants, auditors & assessors suraj 62089
1210 CA Sri Lanka and FinArch join hands to provide practical guidance on IFRS implementations for banks and financial institutions suraj 57764
1211 CA Sri Lanka goes to Kalmunai suraj 60247
1212 CA Sri Lanka launches scholarship scheme for 2012 suraj 59894
1213 CA Sri Lanka Qatar Chapter holds its 3rd AGM suraj 60197
1214 Aitken Spence comes onboard as lead sponsor for CA Sri Lanka suraj 59318
1215 Impressive participation at CA Sri Lanka’s regional seminars on IFRS convergence suraj 58870
1216 Boost for CA Sri Lanka as John Keells Holdings renews lead sponsorship for 2012 suraj 58812
1217 CA Sri Lanka seminar in Galle and Kurunegala to educate professionals on IFRS convergence suraj 61412
1218 CA Sri Lanka seminar focuses on recent tax amendments suraj 63618
1219 CA Sri Lanka empowers professionals with its Executive Diploma in Business and Accounting programme suraj 58566
1220 Exemptions for ACCA members to follow Australian MBA offered at CA Sri Lanka suraj 59242
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