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The success of the ICASL Toastmasters Club in inculcating and improving Communication and Leadership skills in qualified members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants gave rise to a plea by the Institute students to give them also the opportunity to practice Toastmastership. This was understandable as the improvement to their Communication and Leadership skills would be gained at a crucial point of time when they are about to qualify as Chartered Accountants and that of free of cost.

With the blessings of the Institute, the CA Sri Lanka Students Gavel Club was formed and registered as an affiliate of Toastmasters International of USA in January 2011. The Gavel Club is open to all students of CA Sri Lanka and meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month at the Institute at 5.40 p.m.

The Gavel Club

The CA Sri Lanka students Gavel Club conducts educational meetings with a view to improving the Communication and Leadership skills of its members who are students aspiring to be Chartered Accountants. It is a proven fact that the technical skills of the student should be complemented by Communication and Leadership skills if he or she wishes to gain employment opportunities and/or enhance career prospects. The CA Sri Lanka qualification is second to none and hand in hand with good Communication skills will enable the newly qualified Chartered Accountant to strive the global stage.

Lately, the CA Sri Lanka qualification has attracted many International institutions to grant exemptions to their respected and globally recognized qualifications in Finance. However, to exploit such exemptions the Sri Lankan Chartered Accountant has to possess the required Communication skills. Educational meetings of the Gavel Club will expose the CA Sri Lanka student to public speaking, excellent grammar skills and an extensive vocabulary in a friendly, supportive and positive learning environment. Furthermore, taking up the challenge of being role players in each meeting of the club will give the student an opportunity to hone his or her Leadership skills.

Besides the educational benefits the student stands to develop his or her personality in addition to being confident and self-assured. In fact Gavel club members who have had successful job interviews attribute it to the experience gained at the Club.

Educational meetings are based on material provided by Toastmasters International the leading movement devoted to making effective oral communication a worldwide reality. Today many employers recognize Toastmasters titles as proof of speaking, thinking, and listening & leadership skills. In this competitive job market these titles help you to stand out from the rest of the crowd.

How it works...

The Toastmasters program is not a college, trade school or other formal course in public speaking. You will find no instructors or classrooms. However the club counselors and mentors will always be willing to guide you and help you to discover your true potential. No member’s work is graded and no tests are administered. In Toastmasters, members learn by studying the manuals, practicing and helping one another. CA Gavel club follows to two toastmaster’s manuals. Competent communicator manual and competent leadership manual. The two manuals has its own set of objectives and challenges. Gavelliors’ has the opportunity to choose a manual / path as they prefer. Learning takes place in the club environment. Club meetings, workshops and competitions are some places where you study and practice communication and leadership skills with others, who are there for the same reasons you are. You learn by doing and by watching fellow club members. During club meetings you will build "quick thinking" skills too. You will introduce speakers, conduct meetings, and perform other roles that will give you plenty of practice in a variety of communication experiences. Club counselors, mentors and experienced gravellier are willing to train and guide you to discover your abilities of public speaking.

Seize this cost-free opportunity to make the pre-qualifying stage of your career a productive and gainful one.

Enroll today as a member of the CA Sri Lanka Students Gavel Club. To learn more about the upcoming events and meetings please follow us on Facebook at: Sri Lanka Students Gavel club

For more information/enrolment please contact:-

Ms. Nimaya Malimbada
President, CA Sri Lanka Students Gavel Club
Tel no: +94 76 840 4591
E-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Ms. Shagasra Thangaraj
VP - Education CA Sri Lanka Students Gavel Club
Tel No: +94 77 591 6362
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Mr. Hamid Zarook
VP - Membership CA Sri Lanka Students Gavel Club
Tel No: +94 76 174 5495
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