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Student Registration

For the convenience of all its future students, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka has taken steps to ensure a smooth hassle free registration process. With just a few simple steps, you will be on your way to become a globally sought-after professional.


To enroll as a Registered Student, a person needs one of the following qualifications:

  1. Three Simple Passes at G.C.E. Advanced Level in any Stream at one sitting (London/Cambridge/Indian A/L).
  2. A Degree of a University in Sri Lanka or of any other University as approved by the Council of the Institute.
  3. G.C.E Ordinary Level with a first degree offered by UGC recognised institutions or other accredited institutions.
  4. Postgraduate degrees offered by UGC recognised institutions or other accredited institutions.
  5. G.C.E. Ordinary level with postgraduate diploma offered by UGC recognised institutions or other accredited institutions.
  6. The qualifications equivalent to NVQ Level 4 which is equivalent to Advanced Level Certificate (GCE A/L or equivalent)
  7. Executive diploma in Accounting, Business and Strategy offered by CA Sri Lanka.
  8. Second Year Examination of the Higher National Diploma in Accountancy/ Diploma in Accountancy or the Higher National Diploma in Commerce/ Diploma in Commerce of the Sri Lanka Technical College.
  9. First Stage of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (C.I.M.A., UK).
  10. First Stage of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (A.C.C.A., UK).
  11. Final Examination of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators (I.C.S.A., UK)
  12. Full Qualifications offered by the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI)
  13. Final Examination of the Institute of Financial Accountants (I.F.A., UK)
  14. Final Examination of the Association of International Accountants (A.I.A., UK)
  15. Final Examination of the Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka. (A.A.T., Sri Lanka)
  16. Final Examination of the Association of Accounting Technicians (A.A.T., UK)
  17. Final Examination of the Institute of Bankers in Sri Lanka or UK.
  18. Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka
  19. Final Examination of the Association of Certified Management Accountants (CMA) of Sri Lanka
  20. Membership of the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
  21. Membership of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
  22. Full qualification in Certified Tax Advisor.
  23. Members of the Institute of Taxation of Sri Lanka.
  24. Members of the Institute of Internal Auditors
  25. Membership of the Sri Lanka Government Accountant Service.
  26. Membership of the Sri Lanka Government Audit Service.
  27. Certified Information Systems Auditors (CISA)
  28. Any other qualification approved by the Council

An applicant, who considers himself/herself eligible to register as a student of the Institute, should submit the following documents to the Student Services Division by hand or by registered post. Students who enroll with the Institute Online (Online Registration Link: must submit the certified hard copies of the following documents to The Manager - Student Services, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, 30 A, Malalasekera Mawatha, Colombo 07.

  • The registration application form duly completed.
  • Certified copy of the Birth Certificate.
  • A copy of NIC.
  • Certified photocopies of Educational Certificates.
  • Cash Deposit Slip,(Institute Copy) as evidence of the payment of the prescribed fee.
  • Two recent passport size colour photographs.
    If the applicant is eligible for registration, the Institute will register him/her as a student and issue him/her a letter bearing the Institute’s ID number.
    Applications for registration may be made at any time of the year.

Students can submit their Registration Application Forms throughout the year

Payments for Student Registration

Registration Fee Rs. 2,700.00
Annual Subscription (For the current year) Rs. 2,700.00
Total Registration Fee Rs. 5,400.00

Payment options:

  1. Bank of Ceylon (Any branch)
    Account No: CA Sri Lanka Panel
    Account Holder: CA Sri Lanka
    Payment Code: RE 01
  2. Institute Cashier
  3. Online

Note :

  • Students registering for first time should make payments for registration fee and registration renewal fee. For the payment of above only one Cash Deposit Slip should be used for the total amount.
  • It is compulsory that you mark clearly in the Deposit Slip the Application (#) No. shown in the top corner of the Application and the Payment Code (RE01).
  • Students eligible for exemption from subjects should inquire from the Registration Division regarding regarding exemption fees. (Please note that a separate deposit slip should be used when making payments for exemptions)
  • The registration fee should be paid at any Branch of Bank of Ceylon in cash to credit of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (A/C # - CA Sri Lanka - Panel) or to the Institute Cashier.
  • Applications for registration can be handed over to the Registration Division or to the CA Sri Lanka Information Centers. Applications which are posted should be sent under Registered Cover marked “SRA” on the top left hand corner of the envelope to the Manager Student Services, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, 30 A, Malalasekara Mawatha, Colombo 07.

Approximately three years

No, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka has set up several Information Centres across the country for the convenience of all our students located in various parts of Sri Lanka.

Our centres are located in Anuradhapura, Jaffna, Kandy, Kurunegala, Matara, kalmunai and Ratnapura.

The services provided by these Centres are.

  1. Providing guidance to prospective students relating to careers and prospects in Chartered Accountancy.
  2. Disseminating information relating to registration qualifications, exemptions, training and related matters.
  3. Distributing Student Guides and other Institute publications.
  4. Distributing examination application forms for all examinations of the Institute and disseminating information relating to examinations.
  5. Providing information on the Institute’s Merit Scholarship Scheme and other scholarship schemes.
  6. Accept Registration & Exemption Application forms

For all inquiries, contact:

Student Services Division
Tel - 011 2352000 Ext. 1100,1101,1104,1105,1106