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Strategic Communication (CS4)

Strategic Communication (CS4) is a prerequisite that must be fulfilled before applying for the Integrated Case Study (SL5).

After the registration deadline, once the programme dates are confirmed, students may select the most convenient dates for them through the preference form they will be receiving via email. Registration for a particular batch will be on a first-come-first-served basis.


Path: - Student Login -> Student Menu -> Registration - English Courses (MELC) -> Select course -> CS4

Prerequisite: Completion of CS3 is mandatory for eligibility / Obtained exemptions (Please refer to ‘Exemptions’ to check if you are eligible for an exemption).

When should this be completed?

  • Before applying for the Case Study (SL5) assignment
  • After successful completion of CS3.

Venue: CA Sri Lanka

Components of CS4 (3 Months Duration):

  1. Business Negotiations and Conflict Resolution workshop
  2. Branding & Business Etiquettes workshop
  3. Speechcraft (10 sessions)
  4. Business Report Writing (4 sessions)

It is mandatory to attend all sessions to successfully complete the CS4 programme.

  • The workshops & the Business Report Writing sessions will be held on weekends, whereas the Speechcraft sessions will be held during the weekday nights.
  • Overseas students will be facilitated online for all the sessions.
  • After the registration deadline of each batch, successfully registered students will receive a link to a preference form to include the preferred dates for each session.

Course duration: 3 months
Course fee: Rs. 10,000/-

Fees cannot be carried forward from one batch to another.

Please note that in order to successfully complete the programme, it is mandatory to attend all sessions for the given time period within a particular batch.


For more information contact:
Ms. Hirushani Harshamali

Multimedia English Language Centre
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka,
30A, Malalasekera Mawatha, Colombo 7.
Tel:+94 112 352 075 Ext: 1305 /0705366999
Email:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it