Students can get certain number of exemptions as follows;
Exemptions from Speechcraft
- Students who have successfully followed Toastmasters International Speechcraft programme during the last 02 years. They should provide the certificate of completion for verification.
- Students who have completed Toastmasters International Speechcraft programme during last 2 years need to complete only the evaluations of 2 speeches to validate their skills.
- Gavel club members who have completed a minimum of 07 speeches in Competent communicator manual should complete only the final assessment of presentation. Should provide a letter of completion from the particular club.
- Existing Toastmasters who have completed a minimum of 06 speeches in Competent communicator manual. Should provide a letter of completion from the particular club.
- Overseas students who have completed minimum of 02 speeches as per the evaluations of the Speechcraft, in joining a Toastmasters club overseas. Should provide a letter of completion from the particular club.
- Students who have a higher competency may validate their skills
Exemptions from Business Report Writing
Students who have obtained an exemption from the placement test of business report writing module conducted by CA Sri Lanka.