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Business Level II - Business Communication - II (CS2)

This course further helps students build language skills  & is in line with CS1. Students are expected to improve their Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills in work situations.

Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

As per the Progression Rule CS2 should be completed at Business Level II itself. before applying for any of the Professional Knowledge exams at Corporate Level.

Basically 3 intakes

Students should register online only & hard copies of application forms are not accepted. All instructions how to register online are given on the CA website under Multimedia English Language Center(MELC)

1  month from the date that applications were called.

No. They could contact the particular Course Co-ordinator where they will be sent a google form to apply.

Should be a registered student of CA Sri Lanka

Should have submitted the online application form.

Should have made the relevant registration fee.

Registration fee – Rs.500/=

Placement test fee – Rs 500/=

Course fee – Rs. 5,500/=  (Payable to particular teaching college in 2 installments)

Exam fee– Rs.3,000/=

Study text – Rs. 2,000/= (Can be purchased from the Study Pack Counter)

Revision Kit – free of charge (Can access on the LMS from student’s portal)

Normally fees cannot be carried forward from one batch to the other.

Registration i.e. Rs.500/= should be paid when the application form is submitted. Course fee can be paid in 2 installments; Rs 3000/= before the commencement of the course & the balance Rs 2500/= after one month from the commencement.

½ months. 55 hours classroom learning & 25 hours online learning (LMS).

 Yes, students should have a 75% attendance in order to sit for the final exam.

This test is optional and will be held before the commencement of the course and those who obtain 75% and above are not required to follow the course or make the course fee. However, the students who obtain this exemption are required to sit the final exam of CS2.

At CA Sri Lanka head office and its information centers island-wide.

They will be informed about the placement test via email (Students should check whether their email addresses & the mobile numbers are correct at the time of submitting the application form).

No, students can apply for CS2 only upon successful completion of CS1.

They should first apply for the exemption through the Registration Division.  Once they secure their exemption they should be able to apply online for CS2 course.

Classes are held island wide at accredited teaching colleges. (Pl check for the  list of accredited teaching colleges for CS2 on CA website under MELC)

You can contact the particular teaching college to check the class schedules.

No, students are not permitted to change the centre that they have registered for, once registered. But centers may be changed if the specific center is unable to facilitate the students or based on a valid reason.

Students who have obtained an overall score of 6.5 at IELTS (General / Academic) are exempted from this programme.

It’s necessary to have the CS2 study guide for learning as it’s developed in line with the syllabus.

Always refer to the CA website under MELC to get updates on courses conducted by MELC.You may get the contact details of the MELC staff from the CA website.


Contact MELC

Ms. Chathuki Dayananda - Coordinator

Business Communication I Business Communication I (CS1 Course Information) / Business Communication II (CS2 Course Information)

Phone: 2352000 | Ext:1302 | Mobile: 070 4706337



Ms. Senali Dahanayake - Executive Coordinator cum Lecturer Coordinator

Corporate Communication (CS3 Course & Exam Information)

Phone: 2352000 | Ext: 1301 | Mobile: 070 5204664



Ms. Hirushani Harshamali - Coordinator

Strategic Communication (CS4) / MELC General Inquiries / CS3 & CS4 Results Verification

Phone: 2352000 | Ext: 1305 | Mobile: 070 5366999



Ms. Uvinie Senanayake - Executive Academic Coordinator cum Lecturer

CAE Course Information & Exams / Academic Affairs and External Programmes

Phone: 2352000 | Ext: 1312 | Mobile: 070 5355999


CS1 Course Co-ordinator – Denuwanie / Phone: 2352000 ext 1305/ email:


Progression Rule 2020 Curriculum