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# Article Title
301 Business Communication -1 (CS1) December 2021
302 Corporate & Strategic Level Examination- December 20201 Applications Are Now Accepted
303 CA Sri Lanka submits budget proposals to Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa
304 16 top performers win prizes at CA Sri Lanka’s September Business Level virtual exam
305 Call for Chartered Accountants to build on position of trust and lead on future challenges
306 Registration for Mock Examination - CL 1 , SL 1
307 Technical Glitch Following the Issuance of Results of the September business Level ll Exams
308 CA Sri Lanka launches virtual career guidance sessions to reconnect with students
309 Special Guidance Sessions on Strategic Level SL1 - SL4
310 Business Level I &II Examinations - November 2021
311 CA Sri Lanka exams on track amidst COVID challenges
312 Accountants’ role in helping protect the planet spotlighted at CAPA and CA Sri Lanka’s Accounting Assembly
313 Applications Now Accepted for Physical Exam-01
314 CA Sri Lanka continues to cultivate soft skills of aspiring Chartered Accountants through virtual programmes
315 Head of global accounting body and Blue Planet prize laureate to inaugurate CAPA and CA Sri Lanka assembly on Wednesday
316 20th CAPA Conference and 42nd National Conference of CA Sri Lanka powered by top brands and corporates
317 CA Sri Lanka and CFA Society focuses on effectiveness of independent directors in ensuring good governance
318 Finance Professionals role in promoting SDGs and ESG principles to take centre stage at the largest joint accounting assembly
319 SL5 – Integrated Case Study Assignment -01
320 Revised Examination Dates for 2021 Year End Exams -01
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