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CA Members Benevolent Society organises presentation on how to prevent Non-Communicable diseases

As Sri Lanka faces escalating health care costs with rising rates of Non-Communicable Diseases, the Members’ Benevolent Society of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) has taken the initiative to educate professionals on how to prevent Non-Communicable diseases in a special presentation which will be held on August 24.

Presented by Prof. Chandrika Wijeyaratne, Professor in Reproductive Medicine and Consultant Physician and Endocrinologist, the presentation will be held at the Auditorium of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, Colombo 7, and is open to members of the Members’ Benevolent Society and also to CA Sri Lanka members.

The evening presentation will see a detailed outline on necessary steps that should be taken to prevent Non-Communicable diseases including heart diseases, Hypertension, diabetes, cancers and asthma.

The World Bank in a special report published in July this year stated that Non-Communicable Diseases have already become the largest contributor to diseases in Sri Lanka, accounting for 85% of ill health, disability and early death.

“With average life expectancy in Sri Lanka now at 74 years and rising, increasing urbanisation and the accompanying life style changes, people are increasingly exposed to risk factors for Non-Communicable Diseases. People have become more sedentary, consumption of alcohol and cigarettes has increased, and diets have become less healthy. As a result, Sri Lankans are becoming more vulnerable to Non-Communicable Diseases, creating significant new pressures on the health system to treat and care for them,” the World Bank report noted.