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CA Sri Lanka’s Public Sector hosts highly successful Annual Conference 2023 on "Smart Management of Public Finance"

CA Sri Lanka’s Public Sector hosts highly successful Annual Conference 2023 on "Smart Management of Public Finance"


The public sector wing of CA Sri Lanka, the Association of Public Finance Accountants of Sri Lanka (APFASL), proudly hosted its Annual Conference 2023 on 03rd October 2023, themed "Smart Management of Public Finance" with a significant gathering of professionals, experts, and thought leaders from the realm of public finance.

Against the backdrop of evolving global financial dynamics and the distinctive challenges confronting public sector entities, the conference provided a priceless platform for the exchange of knowledge, the cultivation of innovation, and the fostering of collaboration. The event was graced by Mr. Suresh Shah, Chairman of CTC Ltd, and Head of the SOE Restructuring Unit of the Ministry of Finance, while Mr. Brian Blood, Chief Executive of the Confederation of Asia Pacific Accountants (CAPA), delivered the keynote address, sharing his valuable insights and experiences on current developments in public sector accounting and reporting in the international arena.

Mr. Sanjaya Bandara, President of CA Sri Lanka, and Mr. V Kanaga