President’s Counsel Dr. K. Kanag-Isvaran, who is one of the country’s most respected lawyers highlighted the need for a “Tax Ombudsman” in Sri Lanka while delivering the keynote speech at the 22nd Annual Tax Oration of CA Sri Lanka on “The Tax Collector and The Rights of the Taxed.”
“The need for a “Tax Ombudsman” is now more urgent than ever before due to the changes in the income tax regime and the implementation of the Revenue Administration Management Information System (RAMIS), to prevent see tax payers running pillar to post,” he told an audience comprising of chartered accountants representing the public and private sectors.
Dr. Kanag-Isvaran recalled how the concept of “Tax Ombudsman” was introduced in the Budget of November 2004 by the then Minister of Finance and the office was established on 15th September 2005 with the appointment of a retired High Court Judge who was the first and only holder of the office. “The administrative framework and operational guidelines pertaining to the Tax Ombudsman mandated the appointment to be a period of 2 years. No successor was appointed pursuant to the completion of his tenure. Hence that office remains in abeyance,” he said.
Highlighting the benefits of tax Ombudsmen, he disclosed how in Pakistan, Federal Tax Ombudsman Ordinance of 2000 governs the institution and appointment of the Tax Ombudsman under the hand of the President. “Within 60 days of lodgmen