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Lanka IOC to power 36th National Conference of Chartered Accountants with gold sponsorship

Lanka IOC PLC has come onboard once again to power CA Sri Lanka’s 36thNational Conference of Chartered Accountants with a gold sponsorship. The conference will revolve around the theme ‘Catalyst 2015: Collaborate to Compete.’

Mr. Shyam Bohra, Managing Director of Lanka IOC said that his company was privileged to be collaborating with CA Sri Lanka in its endeavour to deliberate on the theme ‘Collaborate to Compete’ and to explore a new business paradigm. “We admire and appreciate CA Sri Lanka for picking such a thought provoking theme which has greater relevance in current business, social and political spectrum than ever before,” he said.

Mr. Bohra said when the world major economies are facing recessionary conditions including unexpected shocks like heightened geopolitical conflicts in various parts of the world, it is also opening up a plethora of opportunities for countries like Sri Lanka where business confidence is at an all time high as per the latest survey.

“Now, it is up to us to widen our geographical reach by joining hands together in a more integrated and coordinated way within and beyond the organizational boundaries for sharing knowledge, technology, risk and good practices to improve the quality, efficiency and productivity on sustaina