General Rules
1.1. Entry qualification
- Participating firm should be a Member firm of the Chartered Accountants Students’ Society.
- Any participant holding a letter of appointment and currently employed in a Member Firm of the Chartered Accountants Students’ Society (CA Students’ Society) will be eligible to participate in a sporting event organized the Chartered Accountants Students’ Society provided that he/she fulfill following two criteria:
- A Member Firm is entitled to nominate Students and Members of any professional accounting body who have completed at least two months (60 days) at the day of draw, in that Member Firm to participate in any sporting event organized by the CA Students’ Society, provided his/her name is submitted through a valid participation list.
- A Member Firm is entitled to nominate Staff of the Firm who have completed at least three months (90 days) at the day of draw, in that Member Firm, provided his/her name is submitted through a valid participation list. Such staff members should be Permanent employees of the Member Firm.
- However players nominated under Permanent Staff categorization (Under 1.1 d) would be limited to a maximum of one player per team.
- (i.e. One player can be nominated under the Permanent Staff category (Under 1.1d) for every four players nominated under the category of Students and Members of any professional accounting body (Under 1.1C) appearing in the name list).
1.2. Participation List
A duly completed Participation List (As per Appendix 01) printed on the respective Firm’s or Sports Club’s letterhead, should be submitted to the CA Students’ Society by 6.00 pm at the day of the draw (or anytime and date specified by the Committee at the weekly meeting prior to the event). The participation list handed over is deemed to be the final and no subsequent changes would be allowed. The list should be endorsed by the President of the Spots Club and a Partner of the respective Firm.
1.3. Maximum Number of Teams
A Firm/Sports Club is permitted to enter a maximum number of three (3) teams for a given sport. (With the exception of Marathon and Swimming where there are no teams involved. Further no shuffling of team members from one team to another of the same firm will be allowed.
1.4. Maximum Number of Players
The following will be the maximum number of players permitted for a team when submitting a Participation List.
SPORT | Minimum No of Players in a Team | |
Men's | Women's |
Marathon | No Maximum No | No Maximum No |
Basket Ball | 9 | 9 |
Badminton | 6 | 5 |
Swimming | No Maximum No | No Maximum No |
Table Tennis | 6 | 5 |
Carrom | 6 | 5 |
Football | 10 | - |
Netball | - | 10 |
Volleyball | 9 | 9 |
Cricket | 9 | 9 |
* If a firm does not adhere to the above rule, the CA Students’ Society will eliminate the last names entered to fall in line with the above requirement.
1.5. Conduct of the tournament
The tournament commencement time will be decided and notified to the firms at the time of draw. The matches will be played in the top - down order of the draw, unless any special circumstances arise. All teams are kindly requested to be present at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the tournament.
1.6. Draw
The draw will be held last Wednesday before the sporting event at 6.00 pm at CA Sri Lanka premises, unless specifically mentioned to the firm representative at a weekly meeting or communicated by way of an e-mail.
1.7. Identity of players
All participants are required to present a valid proof of identity as follows:
Where the participant is a student of CA Sri Lanka/AAT/CMA/CIMA/ACCA or any other professional accounting body, the relevant body’s identification number should be placed in the participation list and such identification source/card should be brought for registration. Any participant qualifying under rule 1.1 (d) should place their NIC/ Driving License or Passport No in the participation list as proof of identity.
If a participant fails to produce the modes of identity stipulated, the CA Students’ Society reserves the right to disqualify the Player or the Team.The decision taken by the CA Students’ Society will be final. Participation list should constitute following proof of identity to be considered as valid.
- Where the list contains players falling under the rule 1.1 c other than Members and Students of CA Sri Lanka, photocopies of such players’ proof of identity should be attached to the participation list. (i.e. Students and Members of AAT, CMA, CIMA, ACCA or any other accounting body)
- Where the participation list contains players falling under the rule 1.1 d, it should be supported with a representation on the firm’s letterhead signed by a Partner of the firm.
- Such representation should include :
- Name/s of the Permanent Staff member/s participating under 1.1 d
- NIC No/s of the employee/s
- Position/s held in the firm
- Date/s of appointment
1.8. Points
Place | Points |
First | 20 |
Second | 15 |
Third | 10 |
Fourth | 5 |
* The above table will be applicable to all sports unless specifically stated in the respective sport’s rules.
Participation points: Two (02) points will be awarded per participating team in a given sport unless the team concedes a walkover in the first match to be played in the draw.
If a walkover is conceded in the 1stmatch to be played, then, rule 1.9 will be applicable. No participation points will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
1.9. Walkover
A walkover will be awarded subsequent to a reasonable time lapse (approx 05-10 minutes) after the first call. If the walkover is conceded in the 1st match to be played by a team in the tournament, five (05) points will be reduced from the points earned by the firm. If the walkover is conceded in the subsequent matches to be played by a team in the tournament, then, an amount equal to the participation points will be reduced from the points earned by the firm.
1.10. Referees
Independent qualified referees will be engaged to act as the officials of a given tournament unless otherwise decided at a weekly meeting prior to event. Their decisions will be final and conclusive.
1.11. Rescheduling/cancellation of an event
Sports event will be rescheduled due to bad weather or any other incident, which may prove a hindrance in carrying out the sporting event. The re-scheduled date will be announced at the time of postponement, at a general committee meeting or at a meeting held in this regard. Any objections on re-scheduled dates should be communicated to the President, Vice President or Sports Secretary through the Firm representatives within three (03) days from the announcement of the re-scheduled date, after which time, it will be deemed accepted by all firms. If a new date is not agreed by the member firms concerned, the CA Students’ Society reserves the right to enforce a new date mandatory for all participant teams or cancel the sporting event invalidating the points earned by firms for such event.The Executive Committee of the CA Students’ Society reserves the right to postpone or cancel a sporting event with or without sufficient notice.
1.12. Replacement of players
Firms will not be allowed to a