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CA Sri Lanka’s APFASL conducts capacity building programmes in North and North Central Provinces

The Association of Public Finance Accountants of Sri Lanka (APFASL), the Public Sector Wing of CA Sri Lanka successfully completed its capacity building programmes in the North Central and Northern Provinces recently, which was attended by well over 300 participants.

APFASL conducted a series of awareness programmes in Anuradhapura and Jaffna on the Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards and Accrual Accounting for chief accountants, accountants, internal auditors among others who are involved in the preparation and presentation of financial statements of the North Central province and the Northern Province.

Chief Secretaries of both provinces who participated during the inauguration of the capacity building programmes emphasized on the vital need of the application of public sector accounting standards in preparing accounts of the provincial councils, local authorities, district secretariats and other institutions coming under the purview of provincial councils. They also appreciated the initiative taken by the APFASL to conduct these training programmes and educating stakeholders on the continuing changes.