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Leading companies Softlogic, Lanka Walltiles and Orit Apparels appointed as CA Sri Lanka training partners

The Training Partner portfolio of the Institute of Chartered accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) continued to attract some of the country’s leading corporate heavyweights, with Softlogic Finance PLC, Lanka Walltiles PLC and Orit Apparels Lanka (Pvt) Ltd being recently awarded training partner status recently.

CA Sri Lanka President Mr. Arjuna Herath awarded the training partner certificate to Softlogic’s Director/CEO Mr. Nalin Wijekoon and Chief Finance Officer, Mr. Anil Fernando in the presence of CA Sri Lanka Vice President Mr. Lasantha Wickramasinghe, Chairman of the Student Training and Development Committee Mr. Manil Jayasinghe, Alternative Chairman Mr. Sanjaya Bandara and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Aruna Alwis.

Mr. Herath also awarded the training partner certificate to Lanka Walltiles Managing Director Mr. Mahendra Jayasekera and Head of Finance Mr. B.T.T. Roche at a ceremony held at the Institute recently.