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CA Sri Lanka to kick off its much sought after cyber-crime fighting diploma this month

The much sought after cyber-crime fighting diploma offered by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) will kick off in mid-February and will be conducted by a versatile expert from India, who specializes in the subject.

The Diploma in Information Systems Security Control and Audit (DISSCA) jointly conducted jointly by CA Sri Lanka and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has received rave reviews with participants of the past programmes terming the diploma course as a programme that enhances skills and helps add value to their career.

Shiran Punchihewa, Senior Manager – IS Audit of Union Bank said that the DISSCA programme was helpful for IS audit professionals as it helps provide the required knowledge and expertise to help them identify critical issues and customize practices to support confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information systems.

“DISSCA focus on education, quality and strategic value and the qualification has provided me with skills that has added value to my career,” he added.

The Diploma will be conducted by Chartered Accountant Anand Prakash Jangid, Managing Partner at Quadrisk, a risk advisory firm in India that provides solution in risk management, compliance and forensic accounting. Jangid who specializes in information security governance, forensic accounting and fraud detection commands over 13 plus years’ experience in the subject. He was also involved in forensic review and implementation of fraud risk management framework development and implementation.

The diploma is specially designed for managers, supervisors of audit firms and internal auditors requiring functional level understanding of computer auditing, and also for financial officers, controllers and accountants working in an information systems environment requiring the understanding of information system control and security.

The diploma will cover several modules including IT infrastructure and communication, networking technologies, protection of information assets, system development and application details, business continuity planning, information systems organization and management and information system control and audit process.

Students who wish to follow the programme can follow the entire diploma programme or only sit per module basis. Examinations will be conducted on a module basis and a certificate will be issued to students who complete the module and examination successfully.